Hosting Local HTML Example With Docker Dockerfile and Nginx

Posted September 21, 2023
Hosting Local HTML Example With Docker Dockerfile and Nginx

This example uses Nginx to server HTML on Docker and host custom HTML webpage locally and to DockerHub. You’ll create a Dockerfile image to run static HTML in the following steps.

Get Dockerfile composed code on GitHub.

What you will Learn in this Dockerfile HTML With Docker and Nginx Example

In this HTML, Docker and Nginx guide, you will learn the following:

  • How to write Dockerfile for HTML custom webpage.
  • Running HTML on Docker and NGINX locally.
  • How to build HTML with Docker Compose.
  • Deploying HTML using Nginx on Docker.
  • How to Publish HTML Docker Image on DockerHub.

What you Need to Build HTML With Docker & Nginx

To follow along with this guide, you need the following:

  • Docker Desktop installed on your computer.
  • A DockerHub acoount.
  • A text editor; VS code is a good choice.
  • Working HTML website; Don’t worry if you do not have one. We will create it here
  • Git installed to clone an HTML website from Git Hub.

Getting Started with Docker, Dockerfile, Nginx, and DockerHub

The trend of containerization has taken over modern application architecture. Now, one wants to be left behind even the simple HTML sites.

Docker allows you to package and ship your HTML application to your chosen infrastructure such as K3s Cluster On AWS EC2. Docker creates an image you can run on any machine, server, and cloud. To get this image, Docker uses Dockerfile to write an introduction on containerizing the HTML application.

Nginx is the perfect way to serve and deploy a containerized Static HTML site. It serves the Docker images you created as a web server so you can access the deployed website.

Step One: Creating a sample static HTML website

First, you need a simple webpage built with HTML and CSS (and JavaScript if you want to). If you do not have a working HTML web page, run the following command to clone a simple HMLm portfolio website:

git clone

On your editor terminal, change directly to the folder you have cloned:

cd ResponsivePortfolioWebsite

You can test the app by opening it on the browser, and you should have the following site:

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

The same application should run on Docker and give us the same results. Let’s dive in.

Step Two: Write a Dockerfile for your HTML website

Dockerfile tells Docker wht to do. It contains instructions that will dockerize your website on docker.

In this example, go ahead and create a Dockerfile file on your website root directory as follows:

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

Now add the Docker instructions to Dockerfile as follows:

FROM nginx:alpine
COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
  • FROM nginx:alpine pulls Nginx from Dockerhub to create a custom HTML image
  • COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html executes a COPY command that copies all your website files to Docker on the path /usr/share/nginx/html of the NGINX server.

Step Three: Running HTML on Docker using Nginx

With the Dockerfile ready, let’s now add your website to Docker. To build the Docker image for this site, run the following command at the root of the ResponsivePortfolioWebsite folder (Don’t remove the (.) as it tells Docker where the Dockerfile is located):

docker build -t html-site .

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

The image is ready. Run docker images to confirm it:

docker images

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

Step Four: Testing Docker HTML Site on Docker Container

A container executes your image and exposes it so that you can access it. In this case, you will run the following command:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 html-site

In this case:

  • 8080 is the port your website will be exposed to. You can change this port if you need to
  • 80 is the port serving the NGINX server. This port should remain constant.
  • html-site is the image name you built in the previous step.

Once you run the command, open docker and check your container:

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

Container is ready. Open http://localhost:8080/, and now you should get your app on Docker from port 8080:

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

Step Five: Building HTML with Docker Compose

Instead of using the docker run -d -p 8080:80 html-site command to run a container, you can use Docker Compose as an alternative. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Create a docker-compose.yml file at the root of the ResponsivePortfolioWebsite folder:

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

  • Add the following compose to your docker-compose.yml file:
version: '3.8'
# web service HTML app
    # context to build Dockerfile
    build: .
    # Container name
    container_name: html-webapp
    # Map port 3000 on the host to port 80 in the container
      - "3000:80"
  • Run the docker-compose up command to start your Docker Compose stack:

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

  • Now you can access the same application on http://localhost:8000/

To entirely stop your container remove the containers and associated resources and run the following command:

docker-compose down

Step Six: Publish HTML Docker Image on DockerHub.

If you want to put your HTML docker image online, use DockerHub. Create a DockerHub account and run the following command to log in:

docker login

Now build Docker pointing to your docker hub username, so change your_dockerhub_username to reflect your username before running the following command:

docker build -t your_dockerhub_username/html-site .

Finally, run a push command to add the image to DockerHub:

docker push your_dockerhub_username/html-site

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

Now check your DockerHub repositories and the image is now saved online:

Guide to Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx

Instead of building the container locally, you can now use one command to access your Dockerize HTML Nginx site:

docker run -d -p 4000:80 --name html-webapp your_dockerhub_username/html-site


That’s all for this guide, and I hope you learned something about Running Dockerfile HTML Example With Docker & Nginx. You vna now run it k3s kubernetes in production or set it ap using K3s Cluster On AWS EC2.

If you encounter any problem, leave a comment, and we will assist you.

Hosting Local HTML Example With Docker Dockerfile and Nginx

Written By:

Joseph Chege