How to Install Portainer and Docker on Debian 9|10|11|12

Posted March 1, 2024
How to Install Portainer and Docker on Debian 9|10|11|12

Portainer runs on any OS of your choice. This guide teaches how to install Docker and get it ready to run a Portainer service within Debian. All steps used here will get Portainer ready on Debian 9|10|11|12.

Along this Portainer Debian guide, you will learn:

  • How to get Docker ready to run Portainer on Debian.
  • Using Docker and Docker Compose to create a Portainer GUI within Debian.
  • Using Debian Portainer UI to manage Docker environments.
  • How to deploy the container to Docker using Portainer and Debian.
  • How to add Certbot on Debian and add SSL certificates to only access Portainer on HTTPS.

Ready? Dive and learn How to Install Portainer and Docker on Debian.

Related: How to Install Docker and Portainer on Ubuntu

Step 1: Requirement to Install Docker and Portainer on Debian

Docker will run Portainer. In this guide ensure:

  • You have the basics of working with Docker.
  • A Debian OS Ready.
  • Ensure you have Hardware Requirements with at least 3GB Space and 2GB RAM before installing Portainer.

Step 2: Updating Debian Package Index

You need to Update your Debian system and have the latest package Index and security updates before running Portainer. Use the following commands:

  • apt update to update the local package index to reflect the latest changes in the repositories:
sudo apt update

Updating Debian Package Index

  • Use apt upgrade to upgrade installed packages to their latest available versions:
sudo apt upgrade -y

Now, Debian should be ready to securely install Docker and Portainer

Step 3: Installing Docker For Portainer on Debian

Portainer runs within Docker. Portainer is only a UI to manage your Docker environments. This means you must have Docker installed. Check the following step to install it ON Debian:

  1. Install Required Dependencies

Docker needs specific packages for apt to use repositories over HTTPS and manage Docker dependencies. Install them as follows:

  • apt-transport-https so that apt uses HTTPS for secure communication with Docker repositories.
  • ca-certificates to add trusted certificates to establish secure connections.
  • curl as a command-line tool.
  • gnupg2 GNU Privacy Guard to securely access Docker’s GPG key.
  • software-properties-common to add common utilities for managing software properties and repositories.
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common -y

Installing Docker For Portainer on Debian

  1. Next, Add Docker Official GPG Key, GPG key to verify the authenticity and integrity of Docker packages:
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

Installing Docker For Portainer on Debian

  1. Add Docker apt repository to your Debian package sources. This should use the Docker repository URL to add the latest Docker stable version:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Make sure you click ENTER to continue.

Installing Docker For Portainer on Debian

  1. Now, install Docker Engine and associated packages like Docker Compose.
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin -y
  1. Next, verify Docker and Docker Compose are installed correctly
# Check versions
sudo docker --version
docker compose version

This command should display the installed Docker, and Docker Compose versions, confirming a successful installation.

Installing Docker For Portainer on Debian

  1. Finally, Verify Docker is up and running using the systemctl command:
sudo systemctl status docker

Installing Docker For Portainer on Debian

Step 4: Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

You will learn two ways to get Portainer running on Debian. The first one is to use docker commands. Install Portainer as follows:

  • Create a Docker volume for Portainer data persistence:
sudo docker volume create portainer_data
  • Use Docker to Run a Portainer container:
sudo docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer --restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v portainer_data:/data \

Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

Step 5: Installing Portainer using Docker Compose on Debian

Another way to run Portainer on Debian is to use Docker Compose. Docker Compose uses a YAML file to configure Portainer. This way you define and orchestrate containers that make up the Portainer service. Now:

  • Create a docker-compose.yml file in your desired directory.
  • Open this file nano docker-compose.yml and define Portainer with Compose as follows:
version: '3.9'

    # Pull the latest image of Portainer Community Edition (CE)
    image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest
    # Add the container name
    container_name: portainer
    restart: always
    # Expose and Map port 9000 to access Portainer
      - "9000:9000"
    # This volume allows Portainer to interact with the Docker daemon
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    # This volume holds Portainer configuration and other data
      - portainer_data:/data

  # Add the portainer data volume to persist changes
  • Next, use the following docker-compose compose command to run your container:
sudo docker compose up -d

Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

Step 6: Accessing Portainer UI on Debian

You should use only one of the above methods to run Portainer. Check that Debian is running your Portainer on port 9000:

sudo docker ps

Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

This means you should now open http://your_server_ip:9000 in the web browser to access the deployed Portainer server:

At this point, create a User and add login details:

Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

If you get an error as follows:

Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

Restart the container and everything will work as fine?

sudo docker restart portainer

Here is the first view of your installed Portainer Debian UI wizard:

Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

Step 7: Managing Docker Containers With Portainer

On the quick setup page, You should have a Docker environment that you want Portainer to manage. In this example, you will use a locally installed Docker environment.

  • Click on the Get Started box.

Installing Portainer using Docker on Debian

  • This should load the local Docker configurations on your machine:

Managing Docker Containers With Portainer

  • To get a detailed view, click local and you will have a UI for all Docker resources:

Managing Docker Containers With Portainer

Step 8: Deploying Containers to Debian and Docker using Portainer

If you want to dive deep and deploy a container in this setup, you will navigate to Containers sections and create a Add a new container as follows:

Managing Docker Containers With Portainer

You will then deploy this container and you should have it ready on Portainer:

Managing Docker Containers With Portainer

A better way is to use Docker Compose if you have a stack of containers. In this case, you will go to Stacks, Add Stack and use Portainer web editor:

Managing Docker Containers With Portainer

This How to Install and Run WordPress with Portainer guide perfectly shows you how to use the Portainer stack feature in deeper detail.

Step 9: Accessing Portainer with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

What if you want to access Portainer with HTTPS using SSL/TLS certificates on Debian?

You’ll need to set up a reverse proxy such as Nginx or Apache to handle HTTPS requests and terminate SSL/TLS encryption. Check these steps:

If you are not using domain names, check this guide for other Portainer HTTPS options.

  • Install SSL/TLS Certificates for your domain using Certbot:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y
  • Add a DNS A record to your domain name pointing to your_server_ip:

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

  • Get SSL/TLS certificates for your domain (add email and other details when prompted):
sudo certbot certonly --nginx -d

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

  • Install Nginx as a Reverse Proxy:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx
  • Create a new Nginx configuration file for Portainer:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/portainer
  • Create and configure the Portainer domain name with Nginx Reverse Proxy:
server {
    listen 443 ssl;

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://your_server_ip:9000;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
  • Use this Nginx configuration:
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/portainer /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  • Test the configurations and Reload Nginx to apply the changes:
sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl reload nginx

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

Nginx should now handle the HTTPS requests and forward them to Portainer running on port 9000.

You might need a few minutes to ensure propagation.

Now use to access Portainer and log in using previous details:

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

And there you have Nginx will handle the HTTPS requests and forward them to Portainer running on port 9000:

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

Now, you need to force Portainer to use HTTPS. Go to Portainer settings and Force HTTPs only:

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

If you want to add an Automatic Certificate Renewal with Certbot add a cron job as follows:

  • Install cron:
sudo apt-get install cron -y
  • Certbot should have already set up a cron job during installation. Verify it:
sudo crontab -l
  • If renewal is not present, add it manually:
sudo crontab -e

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

  • Renew the certificates twice a day:
0 */12 * * * root certbot renew --quiet

Accessing with HTTPS SSL Cert On Debian

You have successfully installed Portainer and Docker on your Debian server. Portainer is accessible via HTTPS with SSL/TLS encryption on Debian. You have now learned:

  • How to get Docker ready to run Portainer on Debian.
  • Using Docker and Docker Compose to create a Portainer GUI within Debian.
  • Using Debian Portainer UI to manage Docker environments.
  • How to deploy the container to Docker using Portainer and Debian.
  • How to add Certbot on Debian and add SSL certificates to only access Portainer on HTTPS.
How to Install Portainer and Docker on Debian 9|10|11|12

Written By:

Joseph Chege