Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager and HTTPS

Posted March 2, 2024
Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager and HTTPS

Nginx is a Reverse Proxy server. A reverse proxy server sits between clients and the servers. This way an Nginx Reverse Proxy forwards client requests to the servers and returns the server responses to the clients. This means Portainer will run Behind Nginx as the proxy server manager. You will run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager and add HTTPS

Now, Portainer runs on Port 9000. You need to use a Nginx Reverse Proxy to forward Requests to URL paths, domain names, or other request parameters. Portainer will use the Nginx Proxy server to predefined rules and send an HTTP request to access port 9000. You will get SSL/TLS encryption, URL Rewriting, and Redirection.

On the same, Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager will let you create Nginx reverse proxy configurations for Portainer. Here you will use the proxy manager UI to create Nginx reverse proxy rules that run Behind Portainer. In this guide you will learn:

  • How to set up a Portainer server.
  • What you need to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager.
  • How to use Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager to run rules Behind Portainer.
  • Using Nginx Reverse Proxy and Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager to add HTTPS SSL/TLS to Portainer.

Ready? Dive and learn how to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager with HTTPS SSL/TLS certificates.

Step 1: Requirements to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager with HTTPS

Before diving into this guide, you will need:

  • Docker installed and running on your computer.
  • Basics of how to use Portainer UI
  • How to use and run Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager

Step 2: Set up Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

Now, you need a running Portainer server. Once you have confirmed Docker is up and running:

Set up Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

Next, you need to install and configure Portainer on your machine. In this example, Ensure Portainer is running on port 9000 and accessible. If you don’t have Portainer Ready, use the following commands to get one running:

# Docker volume for Portainer data persistence
sudo docker volume create portainer_data

# Run Portainer on port 9000
sudo docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data --name portainer portainer/portainer

How to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

Finally, confirm there is a Portainer container running:

sudo docker ps

How to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

You should be able to access Portainer on http://your_server_ip:9000 on the web.

How to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

Step 3: Setting Up Nginx Reverse Proxy

This step will Install the Nginx Reverse Proxy server on your machine. If Nginx is not already installed, use the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx -y

How to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

Along this configuration file, I will let Nginx run Portainer behind and the domain name. If you are using a Domain name, ensure you have an A DNS record pointing to your server IP address:

How to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

At the same time, I like to direct each service to a specific subdomain. In this, I will use You should have the portainer ready in your working Domain name DNS:

How to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

Step 4: How to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy

Nginx uses a configuration file for your Portainer reverse proxy. This is where you will set the rules you want Nginx Proxy server you run Behind Portainer.

Once you have The Nginx server installed, use the following command to create a Portainer Nginx configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/portainer

This should open a new file. This file should look as follows:

# Listen for incoming HTTP requests on port 80 
# Handle requests for
server {
    listen 80;

    # Proxy settings that forward requests to Portainer
    location / {
        # Forward requests to Portainer running on IP (your_server_ip) and port 9000
        proxy_pass http://your_server_ip:9000;  
        # Use HTTP version to 1.1
        proxy_http_version 1.1;  # Set 
        # Upgrade header to support WebSocket
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;  
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';  
        # Set Host header as original host
        proxy_set_header Host $host;  
        # Bypass proxy cache
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;  

In this case:

  • server: Defines a Nginx server block and adds the port Nginx should listen on.
  • server_name sets the server’s name. In this case, replace with your domain name. If not use the Server IP address.
  • location sets the rules Nginx Proxy server should run Behind Portainer. proxy_pass passes requests to your Portainer instance running on http://your_server_ip:9000
  • Other rules such as proxy_http_version, proxy_set_header, and proxy_cache_bypass ensure Nginx has a good Connection Behind the Portainer server.

Accessing Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server

Step 5: Enabling Nginx Reverse Proxy Portainer Configuration

To use the above-created file, Nginx must have portainer available in sites-available to sites-enabled.

Run the following command and add Portainer to the Nginx sites-enabled config:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/portainer /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Check this as such:

cd etc/nginx/sites-enabled/


Accessing Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server

Next, check that this Configuration has the correct config that the Nginx Proxy server will consider OK and that your configuration syntax is correct:

sudo nginx -t

Accessing Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server

Step 6: Accessing Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server

If your Nginx configuration test is successful, reload Nginx to apply the new configuration:

sudo systemctl reload nginx

At this point, ensure your domain name has prorogated your server IP address. Now open your Portainer UI with and Log In with your details:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

And there you have Portainer running Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Step 7: How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Up to this point, you have successfully used Nginx to expose Portainer Port 9000. However, it only works with HTTP. Let’s in this step Add HTTPS to Portainer.

Here, I will use Certbot to generate the SSL/TLS certs and keys as follows:

  • Install Certbot as the Let’s Encrypt client:
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y
  • Obtain the SSL certificate for your domain using Certbot.
sudo certbot certonly --nginx -d

Remember to add an email and other required prompts

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Once you have successfully received the certificate, you will add the following paths to the Nginx server:

  • Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  • Key is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Now, reopen /etc/nginx/sites-available/portainer

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/portainer

You will add the following changes:

# Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS
server {
    listen 80;  # Listen for incoming HTTP requests on port 80
    server_name;  # Replace with your actual domain

    # Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

# HTTPS configuration for Portainer
server {
    listen 443 ssl;  # Listen for incoming HTTPS requests on port 443
    server_name;  # Replace with your actual domain

    # SSL certificate paths
    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;

    # Proxy settings for forwarding requests to Portainer
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://your_server_ip:9000;  # Forward requests to Portainer running on port 9000
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

To make these changes available, restart the Nginx proxy server:

# Check if the new config is valid
sudo nginx -t
# restart Nginx
sudo systemctl reload nginx

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

This time use HTTPS to access Portainer behind the Nginx Proxy server

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Finally, Force Portainer to always use HTTPS. Go to Portainer settings and make the following change:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

⚠️ This failed to work on my side and I didn’t get the reasons why.

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Step 8: How to use Portainer Nginx Proxy Manager

Nginx Proxy Manager is the UI for managing Nginx Host. In this case, to add HTTP and SSL to Portainer, You must have a running Nginx Proxy Manager. Check the Install Nginx Proxy Manager with Docker Compose guide to set up one.

Once you have the Nginx Proxy Manager as follows:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Go ahead and add a New Proxy Host:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Now, Add Portainer Behind Nginx Proxy Manager Proxy as follows:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Go to the SSL table and add HTTPS and certs with let’s encrypt:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

You will add a Portainer proxy should be ready as such:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

If you want to use the Nginx reverse Proxy file, you can use the custom configurations and add it as follows:

How to Run Portainer Behind Reverse Proxy Server with HTTPS

Your Portainer server should be accessible through your subdomain or Domain over a valid SSL.


You have successfully run Portainer behind the Nginx Reverse Proxy manager/server. You learned:

  • How to set up a Portainer server.
  • What you need to Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager.
  • How to use Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager to run rules Behind Portainer.
  • Using Nginx Reverse Proxy and Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager to add HTTPS SSL/TLS to Portainer.
Run Portainer Behind Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager and HTTPS

Written By:

Joseph Chege