Easy Example Tutorial to Using Node-Red with SQlite

Posted June 10, 2024
Easy Example Tutorial to Using Node-Red with SQlite

This Tutorial teaches you how to store and read SQLite from Node-RED. You will use a file-based SQLite database and integrate it with a Node-RED server to manage automation data.

You will learn:

  • Setting up Node-RED and installing SQLite
  • How to create an SQLite note to add Node-RED database and tables.
  • Reading and Adding data to SQLite

Ready? Let’s break down the steps to Using Node-Red with SQLite

Step 1: Setting up Node-RED installing SQLite

You don’t need a complex process to get your Node-RED ready. Ensure you have Node.js installed and run the following command to install Node-Red as a global module:

npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red

Now, that the Node-RED is ready, start the server locally using the following command:


SQLite using Node-RED

If you a still running this Node-RED setup locally, check the following steps to have it ready in your specific environment:

Step 2: Setting up Node-RED installing SQLite

Node-RED runs behinh Node.js. It uses NPM to manage modules such as SQLite. This means running the following command gets SQlite on Node-RED. However, you will need to access the Node-RED path and open ~/.node-red where the package.json file is located and install SQlite using NPM:

npm i --unsafe-perm node-red-node-sqlite

On the same ~/.node-red path, you will run the following command to let Node-RED load the installed SQlite module:

npm rebuild

If the above process is hard, check these steps:

  • Open Node-RED address on your browser.
  • Navigate to the menu select manage palette and go to the manage palette configuration box.
  • Here, you will use the Install and search sqlite. Make sure you Install node-red-node-sqlite as such:  

SQLite using Node-RED

Step 3: Setting up SQLite with Node-RED

To allow access to a SQLite database, Node-RED must connect to the file system. Now, you need to ensure SQLite is installed on your machine. I used the sqlite3 command to check if SQLite is ready.

SQLite using Node-RED

If you don’t have SQLite ready, check this post and install SQLite so Node-RED can access it.

Go to the location you want to save the SQLite file and create a new database as follows:

  • Start SQLite with a new database file:
sqlite3 sensor.db
  • Use the following SQLite command to Verify Database Creation. You should also get the path of the created sensor.db database with r/w permissions.

SQLite using Node-RED

  • Use the following command to create the Node-RED table you want to use:
  • At the same time use this command to ensure the table is ready:

SQLite using Node-RED

  • If you are using an SQLite viewer, you should be able to see the SQLite database as such:

SQLite using Node-RED

Step 4: Connecting SQLite with Node-RED

The database is ready. To use it with Node-RED, you will have to load the path of your sensor.db file as follows:

  • Go to the Node-RED dashboard and add the SQLite Node. Double-click it and you should have access to the Database properties:

SQLite using Node-RED

  • Add the Node name.
  • On the Add new SQLite sections navigate to the EDIT icon and add the sensor.db path as follows:

SQLite using Node-RED

  • Now add this path and click Done.
  • Deploy your Node. If SQLite can connect to the sensor.db file, you should have the RWC tag as follows:

SQLite using Node-RED

Step 5: Adding Data to SQLite with Node-RED

SQLite is an SQLite database. It works the same way as you would with MySQL. In this case, you will send an INSERT command through Node-RED, and SQLite should pick the data and post it on your table.

On your Node-RED flow, you will add a Function Node. Click on your Function and add the data you want to insert as follows:

msg.topic = "INSERT INTO sensors (id, name, value, UNIT, timestamp) VALUES (null, $val1, $val2, $val3, datetime(\"now\"));"
msg.payload = ['Sensor 1', 23, 'Temp']
return msg;

Add inject node and your flow should look as follows:

SQLite using Node-RED

Finally, deploy the flow and inject it to record the new data. The newly added data should be ready in your sensor.db:

SQLite using Node-RED

Step 6: Adding data to SQLite using Node-RED Prepared Statements

If the above step is hard, consider using the Prepared Statements. Here you will create a new flow. Your SQLite Node SQL Query should Read the Prepared Statement as follows:

SQLite using Node-RED

Add the SQL Statement you want to execute. Here is an example:

INSERT INTO sensors (name, value, UNIT, timestamp) VALUES ($val1, $val2, $val3, datetime("now"));

Now, add a function Node and make sure the above values are represented in the msg.params object as follows:

msg.params = { $val1:'Sensor 1', $val2: 47 , $val3: 'HUMID'}
return msg;

SQLite using Node-RED

Again, deploy the flow and inject it to record the new data.

Step 6: Adding data to SQLite using Node-RED Batch Without Response

There is another way we can use to let Node-RED add data to SQLite. Instead of using Prepared Statements, use Batch Without Response. This lets us insert multiple records without getting a response from it.

Your SQLite Node should have Batch Without Response selected as follows:

SQLite using Node-RED

You will then add a function node, with different INSERT commands as follows:

msg.topic = "INSERT INTO sensors (name, value, UNIT, timestamp) VALUES ('SENSOR 3', 23, 'VOLT',datetime(\"now\")); INSERT INTO sensors (name, value, UNIT, timestamp) VALUES ('SENSOR 4 ', 124, 'KM',datetime(\"now\"));"
return msg;

SQLite using Node-RED

Now ensure your new flow is complete:

SQLite using Node-RED

Once you deploy and inject the multiple batches, you should the added records on the sensors database as such:

SQLite using Node-RED

Step 7: Selecting From SQLite

Read data uses the SELECT SQL command. You will use the SQLite Node with a Fixed Statement as follows:

SQLite using Node-RED


Don’t forget to connect inject and Debug Nodes:

SQLite using Node-RED

Deploy the new flow and send the query command into SQLite with Inject Node and check the debug for the selected sensor data:

SQLite using Node-RED


That was a basic usage of the SQLite and Node-RED Red. I hope this example tutorial gets you started Using Node-Red with SQlite. Grab the whole nodes and flows as JSON here.

Easy Example Tutorial to Using Node-Red with SQlite

Written By:

Joseph Chege